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We have therapists located in almost every country, and you can even search by city to find a therapist near you



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Asked Questions

Therapy sessions are priced starting at 10 USD per session, with rates varying upwards depending on the therapist and/or insurance. This variability is due to our diverse team of therapists located across the globe, with their prices reflecting the cost of living in their respective regions.
Numerous therapists in our community of Mental Health Counselors readily accept insurance as a payment method for sessions, enhancing accessibility to mental health care for individuals seeking support. Clients interested in utilizing insurance are encouraged to explore therapists located in their local area.
Locating a therapist is effortless through our user-friendly interface. Simply navigate to the "Find a Therapist" page, where you can input your desired location and reason for therapy. Instantly, you'll be presented with a comprehensive list of therapists matching your criteria in the specified area.
We prioritize your autonomy in navigating your therapy journey. That's why we don't subject you to the conventional practice of filling out a long form to get matched with a therapist. This ensures that you choose someone with whom you feel comfortable, connected and tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Business Correspondence

5831 Forward Ave #378 Pittsburgh, PA 15217